Channel: Benghazi – Accuracy in Media
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Trey Gowdy plans to Interview Hillary Clinton Advisors like Huma Abedin

Abedin, Cheryl Mills and Jake Sullivan are on Gowdy’s interview list. All are trusted advisors to Hillary.

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Hillary Denied She was Subpoenaed, but Congress Releases the Subpoena

Hillary is in denial that she violated the law by deleting e-mails while under subpoena, which line she parroted in her recent CNN interview. But, Trey Gowdy (R-SC) released the subpoena to prove that...

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WATCH: CNN says Hillary Clinton Lied about Not Getting a Subpoena

Well, she did lie on TV. Trey Gowdy released the subpoena that they had sent March 4, 2015. Hillary claimed that she never received one in her CNN interview this week.

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Hillary Clinton “is not telling the truth” about Secret E-mails, says John...

Yes, Boehner is right and it is very apparent that Hillary will keep trying to weasel her way around her secret e-mails on a private server.

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Why did the FBI Let a Benghazi Attack Suspect Go Free, Senator Asks

Iowa Republican U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley made the remarks, and he has a point: Why did the FBI let go a suspected terrorist who participated in the terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in...

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State Dept Pledges it will Turn Over 5,000 Documents related to Benghazi...

However, it does not include the following, as Fox News reported: “According to Reuters, the documents are not expected to deal with emails sent by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about the...

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WATCH: Trey Gowdy says “About Damn Time” that Hillary Clinton Turned Server...

The Free Beacon reported: Rep. Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) delivered a classic response to news Hillary Clinton will turn over her private server to the FBI: “About damn time.” The Chairman of the Benghazi...

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FBI believes it can Recover Data off of Hillary Clinton’s Server

The Washington Examiner with the latest: Investigators believe they will be able to recover some of the data that once resided on Hillary Clinton’s private server despite the former secretary of...

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Ex-Clinton Aide Pleads the Fifth to Avoid Testifying about Setting Up...

Former State Department aide Bryan Pagliano will try to avoid testifying before Congress over his role in setting up Hillary Clinton’s secret, private and unsecured e-mail server out of her family home...

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State Dept Asked Hillary Clinton’s Attorney to Delete E-mail about Benghazi

Is this the smoking gun? Who knows, but this reinforces how Hillary Clinton operated behind the scenes and avoided scrutiny.

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State Dept Turns Over More Hillary Clinton Emails, Fox News Reports

There are more Benghazi-related e-mails that the State Department found when conducting a second search.

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WATCH: Hillary Clinton Claims Her Emails were on a Government Account

More posturing from Hillary Clinton. Surprised?

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WATCH: Hillary Clinton Claims She’s the Most Transparent Official in American...

Wait, excuse me?! The most transparent “in American history”?

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In Introducing Hillary Clinton, Host in Iowa says, “Who Cares” about...

This illustrates the head-in-the-sand mentality of the Democrats this primary season. If they couldn’t tell (which they can’t, apparently), the poll numbers show that these issues do matter to voters:

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MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell: Clinton Campaign Didn’t Get Permission to Use My...

Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign produced a new television ad that attacks Republicans, claiming that they are using the issue of Benghazi for political gain and to destroy Clinton’s candidacy....

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Kevin McCarthy Drops Out of House Speaker Race

The California Republican, who indicated he will stay on as the House Majority Leader, couldn’t shake his comments about the House Select Committee on Benghazi. His unexpected move has thrown the race...

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Trey Gowdy: Hillary Clinton Emails Exposed CIA Confidential Source

Blame Sidney Blumenthal? No, Hillary Clinton is still at fault: Longtime Hillary Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal allegedly sent her an email with the name of a CIA source, further casting doubt on...

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Poll: 56% believe Benghazi will Hurt Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Ambitions

Washington Examiner reported on the Rasmussen poll: Those voters who believe the Benghazi, Libya affair will hurt Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s shot at the presidency has hit an all-time...

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Hillary Clinton Aide Huma Abedin had a Secret E-mail Address

Well, looks like Huma Abedin had a previously undisclosed e-mail account that was used in at least one correspondence regarding State Department affairs.

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GOP Critic is Wrong about the Benghazi Select Committee, says Trey Gowdy

Washington Examiner reported the following: Rep. Trey Gowdy, who chairs the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said a fellow Republican lawmaker who criticized the work of the committee this week has...

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