US Ambassador to Libya Wanted More Security Staff Before Terrorist Attack,...
Past Reed Irvine AIM Award winner Catherine Herridge of Fox News with the latest: In the July 9, 2012 cable, Stevens reported that, “Overall security conditions continue to be unpredictable, with large...
View ArticleHillary Clinton to Appear Before Congress to Testify about Benghazi
She’s appearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi today. *Update: The livestream will be aired at this link.
View ArticleChelsea Clinton says Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Testimony “will be Remarkable”
What does that mean? Her testimony about standing idly by while Americans died in an American consulate during a terrorist attack ‘will be remarkable’? Sounds insensitive.
View ArticleHillary Clinton Takes Offense at GOP Rep. Jim Jordan Calling Out Her Benghazi...
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) was grilling Hillary Clinton over why she said one thing to the American people and another thing to diplomats, where in e-mails she told diplomats that the YouTube video wasn’t...
View ArticleHillary Clinton Defends Not Firing Anyone over Benghazi Terrorist Attacks
Well, she said it, as the Washington Examiner reported: “The Accountability Review Board pointed out several people working in the State Department who they thought had not carried out their...
View ArticleTrey Gowdy Takes Hillary Clinton to Task over Sidney Blumenthal’s Role in...
Blumenthal’s involvement in State Department affairs, as a non-government employee and was specifically prevented by the Obama administration from being employed at the State Department, was the focus...
View ArticleConservative Group Judicial Watch Uses SnapChat to Mock Hillary Clinton...
A good job by Judicial Watch to do this ahead of the House Select Committee hearing on Benghazi:
View ArticleLiberal Media Covers for Hillary Clinton during Hearing about Benghazi
Let’s take a look at a quick Google search of “Hillary Clinton Benghazi Hearing” and see what happened. You decide if the end was decided from the beginning for the liberal media: Slate: “Hillary...
View ArticleWATCH: Hillary Clinton Jokes about Dead Ambassador’s ‘Entrepreneurial Spirit’...
Christopher Stevens may have had a good sense of humor, but a hearing about his murder and death is not the situation to joke about things:
View ArticleFox News’ Sean Hannity Runs Montage of YouTube Video-Blaming Narrative after...
Video evidence doesn’t lie in this case:
View ArticleState Dept Can’t Confirm Hillary Clinton’s E-mail Claim at Hearing
A claim that Hillary Clinton made may have been fabricated? File under the ‘days that end in Y’ category: The State Department said that it could not confirm a figure Hillary Clinton cited during...
View ArticleThe Liberal Media is Complicit in Burying Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Lies
A great column by the Washington Examiner’s Michael Barone: Contrary to media narrative, the Benghazi Committee did produce some news. As Rep. Jim Jordan noted, on Sept. 11, 2012, the night of the...
View ArticleMeet the Press’ Chuck Todd Asks Rep. Elijiah Cummings Why Dems Shielded...
NBC’s Meet the Press host Chuck Todd questioned ranking Benghazi Select Committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) on Sunday as to why the Democrats chose to “shield” Hillary Clinton during her testimony...
View ArticleFox News’ Watters Asks People about Benghazi
As you’d expect, some don’t know what it means or what it is.
View ArticleRubio: Hillary Clinton was “Exposed as a Liar”
Marco Rubio was right about how the media adores Hillary: Sen. Marco Rubio blasted Hillary Clinton Wednesday for her handling of a hearing before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last week that...
View ArticleWATCH: Hillary Clinton’s Contradictions about Benghazi
It’s a good video by the Free Beacon:
View ArticleBenghazi Movie Trailer is Out
Check out the trailer for 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi:
View ArticleHillary Clinton’s State Dept Calendar Questions Handling of Benghazi
Well put by the Washington Examiner: A schedule published by the State Department Monday indicates Clinton and Rice met the morning of Sept. 14, 2012, three days after the Benghazi attack and two days...
View ArticleBenghazi Committee Finally Gets State Dept E-mails of Ambassador Stevens
Deceased U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens’ e-mails were handed over to the Select Committee, in addition to Patrick Kennedy’s e-mails. Kennedy was the State Department’s highest-ranking records...
View ArticlePentagon Emails show Military Support was Ready to Go to Rescue Benghazi...
So we were ready to send military support to rescue and save our personnel in Benghazi, Libya, while it was under attack by al-Qaeda militants on September 11, 2012: As the attack on the U.S. consulate...
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