Channel: Benghazi – Accuracy in Media
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State Dept. Avoiding Benghazi Committee

As the Washington Examiner reported, the State Department is dodging the House Select Committee’s requests for additional documents: “The panel investigating the terrorist attacks on Benghazi has yet...

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U.S. Intelligence Warned about the Rise of ISIS in 2012

Obama’s “JV team” comments came 17 months after an internal intelligence report outlined the potential rise of the Islamic State/ISIS terrorist group, which has now run rampant throughout Syria and...

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House Benghazi Committee Subpoenas former Clinton Aide

Sid Blumenthal will receive a subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi, and he had served in the Clinton White House as an aide.

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VIDEO: Hillary Defends her Sketchy Aides, calls them “Old Friends”

Uh, so defending your sketchy aides is a noble thing? Hillary communicated with former Bill Clinton White House aide Sidney Blumenthal during the Libya crisis. This is the same Libyan crisis that led...

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Embattled former Clinton Aide Sidney Blumenthal not with Clinton Foundation

But, the circumstances around his exit (specifically, the date of his last day there and why he left) are still unknown.

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Hillary’s Libya Policies at State Dept shows She Didn’t Learn from Iraq

Good take (as usual) from the Washington Examiner: “Clinton was secretary of state when President Obama ordered “kinetic military action” in Libya. She was a prime mover inside in the administration...

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Yes, Rand Paul was Right: Hillary was Shipping Weapons from Libya at time of...

Rand Paul had asked then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton about gun running operations in Libya at the time of the Benghazi terrorist attacks that left four Americans dead. Clinton denied she knew of...

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Dear Media: 300 Hillary Benghazi E-mails is a Small Sliver of 55,000 Pages...

The liberal media is making it seem that Hillary Clinton and the State Department are being really transparent about the 55,000 pages that Hillary gave to the federal agency the past year. But, the 300...

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GOP could Withhold Funding from State Dept over Benghazi Investigation

House Speaker John Boehner said he could support a measure to withhold funding from the State Department over their stonewalling of the House’s Benghazi investigation.

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Slight Majority of Americans Approve GOP’s Benghazi Investigation

51%, a slim majority, approves how the House GOP is handling the Benghazi investigation by the House Select Committee headed by Trey Gowdy.

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Press Told that Clinton Speech Will be Her Interview

Hillary Clinton’s press avoidance hit a new high today with the announcement that her speech at Texas Southern University will be her interview, and that “there will be no opportunities to interview...

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Hillary Clinton Advisor Sid Blumenthal was paid $200,000 by Media Matters

One of the most ardent defenders of Hillary Clinton, David Brock, had his group Media Matters pay Sidney Blumenthal a salary of $200,000.

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State Dept Admits They Selectively Chose E-mails to give to Benghazi Committee

Sounds like they have something to hide in those e-mails that they didn’t hand over to the House Select Committee on Benghazi.

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WATCH: State Dept Admits It’s Combing Through E-mails to See Which Ones...

So Hillary isn’t completely transparent, contrary to what some liberals and media outlets are saying? We’re not surprised that there are missing e-mails.

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State Dept says 15 Hillary Clinton E-mails are Missing

Well, she did delete a lot of e-mails with reckless abandon after receiving a subpoena for all of her e-mails on her private server. How is this surprising that 15 e-mails went missing?

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U.S. Approved of Arming Libyan Rebels in Benghazi

It’s the never-ending scandal, because it was first covered up. Now, pieces of the truth are making the news.

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WATCH: State Dept Claim Executive Privilege in Not Turning Over Hillary...

The current administration is scared of something getting out from the e-mails dump?!

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Hillary E-mails show State Dept, Google Talked about Blocked YouTube Video

Communications between Google and Hillary’s staff were released and focused on the YouTube video that the Obama administration blamed for the Benghazi terrorist attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya.

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House Benghazi Panel vs. State Department

House Speaker John Boehner and his take on the feud between the two parties.

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Democrat Accuses GOP of Leaking Benghazi E-mails related to Sidney Blumenthal

Conspiracy! Says the Maryland Democratic congressman who refuses to admit that Sidney Blumenthal is in the gray area of government, consulting or lobbying as Hillary Clinton’s trusted advisor.

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