Chris Matthews Gushes Over Hillary Clinton’s Achievements [Video]
Chris Matthews, who was an early supporter of Hillary Clinton’s presidential run, used his nightly editorial to gush over her achievements now that she has secured the Democratic presidential...
View ArticleWhite House: Benghazi Panel’s Findings are “Political Fantasizing” and Full...
Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, blasted the House Select Committee’s findings about the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attacks that claimed the lives of four Americans.
View ArticleWashington Post, New York Times Claim Nothing New in Benghazi Report
Both the liberal Washington Post and the New York Times claimed that nothing new was discovered in the House Select Committee’s investigation. But, the summary of the report indicated lapses in...
View ArticleGOP House Select Committee Got It Right in their Benghazi Report
The House Select Committee on Benghazi’s Republican members officially unveiled their 800-page report and findings about the terrible terrorist attacks on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, which...
View ArticleHillary Clinton: Trust Me, I’m Not Hiding Anything [Video]
Hillary Clinton, who has consistently scored low in polls on honesty and trustworthiness during her campaign for president, pinned the blame squarely on “political opponents and conspiracy theorists”...
View ArticleThe Bias Buzz Podcast-Turkey Terrorist Attack, Benghazi, Brexit, Supreme...
Episode 12. This week Brian and I discuss the bombing at the Istanbul airport, Benghazi reports issued by the Democratic and Republican congressional committees, the Brexit reality, U.S. Supreme Court...
View ArticleWashington Times Recaps Citizens Commission on Benghazi Report
A great write-up by Jennifer Harper of the Washington Times: An independent project by the press watchdog Accuracy in Media, the 72-page report offers more details about local al Qaeda-linked militias,...
View ArticleWashington Post’s Dana Milbank Critical of Citizens Commission on Benghazi...
An interesting read from Dana Milbank at the Washington Post, to say the least. This is what Milbank had to say to Republicans: Herein lies a lesson for Republicans who are perpetually trying to...
View ArticleCitizens Commission on Benghazi Blasts GOP over Benghazi Report
WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi attended the Citizens Commission on Benghazi press conference yesterday and noted how Trey Gowdy has been criticized by fellow Republicans for the 800-page report that came...
View ArticleBenghazi Report: Hillary Clinton was in “Dereliction of Duty”
Jerome Corsi of WorldNetDaily reported on the Citizens Commission on Benghazi press conference held yesterday: Retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a CCB member, addressed from a military perspective why...
View ArticleNRA Launches Pro-Trump Ad Featuring Benghazi Hero [Video]
The National Rifle Association’s political arm launched its first TV ad of the presidential election cycle, featuring a hero of the Benghazi terrorist attack in Libya, in a direct poke at Democratic...
View Article#BiasBuzz Podcast: Turkey Terrorist Attack, Benghazi Reports, Brexit, SCOTUS...
This week Brian and Don discuss the bombing at the Istanbul airport, Benghazi reports issued by the Democratic and Republican congressional committees, the Brexit reality, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on...
View ArticleMother of Benghazi Victim Blasts Hillary Clinton at RNC Convention
Pat Smith, the mother of State Department official Sean Smith, said that Hillary Clinton is to blame for her son’s death at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya during a terrorist attack. In her...
View ArticleChris Matthews Slams GOP for Having Benghazi Victim’s Mother “Lie” About...
Devoted Hillary Clinton supporter Chris Matthews was livid last night at the GOP for daring to have the mother of Benghazi victim Sean Smith speak at the Republican National Convention and “lie” about...
View ArticleGQ Writer Tweeted He Wanted to Beat Mother of Benghazi Victim to Death
Nathaniel Friedman, who writes for the GQ magazine, later apologized for tweeting he wanted to beat Pat Smith up and deleted the offending tweet. He tweeted, “I don’t care about how many children Pat...
View ArticleThe Bias Buzz Podcast: Baton Rouge Anti-Police Attack, War on Cops, Nice...
Don and Brian talk about the police shootings in Baton Rouge and the War on Cops, Nice and Germany terrorist attacks, Attempted coup in Turkey, Melania Trump’s RNC speech, Marilyn Mosby’s failure in...
View ArticleOf 3 Major Liberal Networks, Only ABC News Reported on Benghazi Lawsuit on...
Of NBC News, CBS News and ABC News, only ABC News had a front page story last night about it. The article was entitled, “Benghazi Parents Blame Clinton in Lawsuit.”
View ArticleFBI Director James Comey Fights Back against Criticism about Clinton...
Does it seem suspicious that there was a document dump of the Clinton interview documents on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day, right? James Comey, director of the FBI, disagrees with those claims.
View ArticleLiberal Media Praised News that One of 30 Emails was Classified and about...
It seems like the liberal media is very concerned that among the 15,000 e-mails that Hillary Clinton and the State Department failed to turn over to the FBI, that only one e-mail was related to the...
View ArticleClinton Campaign Followed Live Blog on Benghazi Emails Developments
From the American Spectator: In an email released in Thursday’s batch of WikiLeaks disclosures, one of Hillary’s aides takes “note” of a Byron Tau item at the “WSJ live blog.” The Tau item references...
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