Channel: Benghazi – Accuracy in Media
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Jay Carney: White House Will Cooperate With “Legitimate” Congressional...

White House press secretary Jay Carney, showing his disapproval of the creation of a new House Select committee to investigate events surrounding the terrorist attacks in Benghazi in 2012, told...

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White House Withholds Full Contents of Benghazi “Media Strategy” Emails [Video]

With the partial release of emails described as a “media strategy” discussion over a Fox News report on Benghazi, from September 2012, the White House didn’t do anything to quell conservative...

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Former U.N. Amb. Susan Rice on Benghazi: “Dang If I Know” [Video]

Former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice gave a rather flippant answer after being asked about Benghazi by PBS Newshour’s Judy Woodruff on Wednesday: Woodruff: What more is there that the [Obama]...

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Jeff Zucker: CNN Won’t Be “Shamed” Into Covering Benghazi

Demonstrating his liberal bias, CNN president Jeff Zucker told The New York Times’ Bill Carter Monday night that he won’t allow CNN to be “shamed” into covering the House select committee on Benghazi...

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Nancy Pelosi (finally) appoints Democrats to Benghazi Select Committee

WASHINGTON — Nancy Pelosi, the House Minority Leader, appointed five members of her party to participate in the Benghazi committee, which is a special panel that is going to investigate the truth...

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Chris Matthews: VA Scandal is Real—Benghazi, IRS and Fast & Furious Are a...

On Wednesday night Hardball host Chris Matthews admitted that the VA scandal that is embroiling the Obama administration is real, but added that Benghazi, the IRS and Fast and Furious are phony...

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Hillary Clinton Struggles to Defend Actions in Benghazi [Video]

The normally confident and defiant Hillary Clinton took a hit on Monday night during her interview with ABC’s Diane Sawyer when the subject of Benghazi came up. Sawyer put Clinton on the hot seat over...

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Hillary Clinton Plans to Hold On to Her Benghazi Notes [Video]

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told NBC News’ Cynthia McFadden that she isn’t willing to turn over her notes on the Benghazi terrorist attack, and said that if the new select congressional...

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Hillary Supporter, Donny Deutsch, Calls Clinton Book Tour “A Disaster” [Video]

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’ s much anticipated book tour got off to such a rocky start last week that even her liberal friends and allies in the media were left wondering what happened....

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Terrorist Leader in Benghazi Attacks Apprehended, Possibly En Route to U.S.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. said that it had captured the suspected ringleader and terrorist mastermind of the disastrous attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The attack killed the U.S....

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Libya Criticizes U.S. for Capturing Benghazi Suspect

WASHINGTON — After the U.S. captured a key suspect in the 2012 Benghazi consulate attacks on the anniversary of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, Libya criticized the secret raid...

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More Deaths in Benghazi as Libya Falls Apart

WASHINGTON — Islamist militancy and terrorism is on the rise in Libya and the country is being torn apart at the seams. Reuters reported that Islamist militants attacked an army base in the eastern...

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Libya Falling Apart: Heavy Fighting in Benghazi

WASHINGTON — After the NATO-led toppling of Libya’s longtime dictator Muamar Qaddafi, the country has fractured into rival groups and has descended into chaos. Reuters reported that Islamists are...

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Far-Left Media Looking for a Clinton Challenger

There may be many in the mainstream media who are looking forward to a presidential run by Hillary Clinton, but the far-left media, which has never been crazy about Hillary, is actively seeking someone...

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The House Intelligence Report on Benghazi is “full of crap”

WASHINGTON — The House Intelligence Committee’s latest report on the terrorist attacks at a U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was harshly criticized by South Carolina U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham....

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7 Liberal Lies of the Year

1. ObamaCare and Jonathan Gruber “Gruber-Gate,” as some called it, exposed the lies that have propped up ObamaCare since the start. Jonathan Gruber, a MIT economist, boasted on multiple occasions of...

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Trey Gowdy won’t Back Down over Benghazi

Good for him. Americans need to know the truth of what happened at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

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Conservative Group Criticizes Jeb Bush for Giving Hillary Clinton an Award...

The group, ForAmerica, released an ad that called Jeb Bush “unelectable” for giving a public service award to Hillary Clinton a year after the Benghazi terrorist attacks, which happened on her watch at...

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Benghazi Cover-Up: Docs show Pentagon knew about Terrorism, not Some Video

Pretty damning stuff from Judicial Watch (as reported by the Daily Signal) that exposes how the Obama administration kept making excuses for the Islamist terrorist that took American lives that fateful...

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Chris Matthews: Foreign Donations, Benghazi Likely to Dog Hillary During...

MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews, who declared early on that he was supporting Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, admitted on Friday that the foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, as...

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